If you need assistance with something not listed here, please contact the librarians at

Document Delivery:
The library will place requested books and other items in your faculty mailbox. Articles will be sent by email as attached pdfs. Please contact your library liaison to make requests.
E-book Collections:
The law library provides access to the Lexis Digital Library so virtually all of the print titles we purchase from Lexis and related publishers will be available electronically (remotely!) on the Overdrive platform. You will need to sign in to access the library; instructions can be found on our database list.
The Marriott Library has other e-book collections. Information on accessing and using these collections can be found here.
Help With Library Fines:
Fines typically accrue when a book or other material is recalled and the deadline to return the item is missed. Once the item is returned, the library can waive fines incurred at the law library. We cannot waive fines at other campus libraries. For questions or assistance in waiving fines, please contact Hiroko Hashitani (
Serial Routings:
The library will route paper or electronic journals to faculty. Please contact Dan Burn ( to request materials to be routed to you.