Friday, May 9, 2025
Friday, May 9, 2025
Convocation: 9:30 AM (MDT)
Kingsbury Hall - 1395 E Presidents Cir, Salt Lake City, UT 84112
Convocation is a significant time of year when we celebrate the accomplishments of our graduating students. The S.J. Quinney College of Law will hold the Convocation Ceremony in-person on Friday, May 9th at Kingsbury Hall starting at 9:30 AM.
All graduates and their guests are invited to a reception immediately after the convocation ceremony. The reception will take place at the S.J. Quinney College of Law building. Food and beverages will be provided.
Student regalia will be available to purchase through the Campus Store website soon. These orders can be shipped to your home or picked up from the bookstore. Orders will be charged in full when the product arrives. All regalia sales are final (no returns, no refunds).
Juris Doctorate Regalia
- PhD/Doctor Gown – Black with Red velvet trim
- PhD/Doctor Hood – Purple with Red and White trim
- College Color Tassel – Purple
- Graduation Cap or Tam – Black Mortarboard or Tam (students' preference)
Masters Regalia
- Masters Gown – Black with block U on the selves
- Masters Hood – Purple with Red and White trim
- College Color Tassel – Purple
- Graduation Cap – Black Mortarboard
*PILO will be offering limited quantities of rental regalia donated from previous law graduates. Please watch for emails from PILO with additional information.
Diploma Name
By default, the Diploma Name is a student’s Primary Name unless the student requests a change. A Diploma Name may not have a prefix, however, a suffix can be added upon written request without it being listed on the Primary Name.
- Example: John Smith Jr.
Below are the guidelines through which a Diploma Name may be adjusted prior to the last day of classes for the semester the student is expecting to graduate:
Preferred Name:
A preferred name may be listed on a diploma as long as the student has designated that Preferred Name in their profile using the Student Homepage. The Preferred Name may include a preferred middle name.
First Name:
If a student has not designated a Preferred Name, a first name may be shortened in instances in which there is a commonly used short-version of the name that is recognizable as a part of the Primary Name.
- Examples: Daniel/Dan, Frederick/Fred, Suzanne/Suzy, or Kathryn/Katie/Kate.
Middle Name:
If a student has not designated a middle name as part of their Preferred Name, a middle name may be adjusted per a student’s written request to the Graduation Division without requiring an official change to the student’s Primary Name in these circumstances:
- Middle names may be shortened to an initial.
- Example: Elizabeth -> E or E.
- Middle names may be lengthened as long as the full middle name was listed as part of the student’s Primary Name at some point in the student’s history at the University of Utah.
- Middle names may be shortened to an initial.
If a student would like to add a middle name to their Primary Name, a Change of Personal Information Form should be sent to the main campus Office of the Registrar (registration@utah.edu) with the necessary documentation.
Last Name:
The last name that is used on a diploma must coincide with a student’s Primary Name. If a last name needs to be changed, a Change of Personal Information Form should be sent to the main campus Office of the Registrar (registration@utah.edu) with the necessary documentation.
Accented Characters:
The Diploma Name may be adjusted to have accented characters. The Notification of Graduation Change Form should be submitted to identify the characters that the student is wishing to accent on the Diploma Name.
Should you encounter any situations that are unique or if you have questions, please reach out to the Graduation Division of the Office of the Registrar (graduation@utah.edu).
How do I change my name for my diploma?
As outlined here, the University recognizes that students may wish to use a name other than their legal name in most university systems or communications. As such, prior to graduation, it is possible for a student to request to use a Preferred Name on their diploma according to the information below.
To update the Preferred Name in CIS, please follow these steps:
- Login to CIS and then go to the Student Homepage tile.
- Click on the Profile tile, which is the one with your name and UNID on it, and then click on the Preferred name type row.
- Enter the new name information. (Last names cannot be changed via this method).
- Click the save button.
- Notify the Graduation Division (graduation@utah.edu) and Cc the Law Registrar (registrar@law.utah.edu) in writing that you desire to use your Preferred Name on your diploma. This must be done by the last day of classes for the semester the student is expecting to graduate. In addition, to have the Preferred Name included in the Spring Convocation Programs, these steps must be completed by March 1st.
Diploma Size
The JD diploma is 12 x 17 inches.
When will I receive my diploma?
Diplomas are typically ordered within a week of your degree being awarded after review by the Graduation Division, however, students most likely will not receive their diploma for three months. Please use the online Campus Information System (CIS) to make any corrections to your mailing address to ensure the proper delivery of your diploma.
Diploma Tracking & Replacement
Please click here for more information.
Can I get my diploma if there is a hold on my records?
If the hold restricts release, your diploma cannot be released until the hold has been removed. Diplomas will not be issued until all financial obligations to the University of Utah have been cleared.
Should you encounter any situations that are unique or if you have questions, please reach out to the Graduation Division of the Office of the Registrar (graduation@utah.edu).
Anyone requiring an interpreter (ASL or foreign language) or reserved ADA seating, please contact Kris Monty at Kris.Monty@law.utah.edu by Friday, April 25, 2025 for accommodations.
Students with disabilities may also give reasonable prior notice and request accommodations through the Center for Disability Services at (801) 581-5020 (voice/TDD).
To enter Kingsbury Hall, ALL GUESTS MUST HAVE A TICKET INCLUDING CHILDREN. Tickets will be available for pick up at the S.J. Quinney College of Law in April. Graduating students can pick up tickets for the Convocation Ceremony:
- Starting on April 7th (pending), each graduating JD and MLS student can pick up their College of Law Convocation tickets. As a reminder, Convocation will be on Friday, May 9th at Kingsbury Hall at 9:30 am.
- Tickets will be available to pick up at the 2nd Floor info desk. The desk is staffed Monday through Friday from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm and Saturday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.
- You need a photo ID when picking up tickets. Your UCard is just fine for this.
- All guests must be ticketed – this includes children and babes in arms (venue rules, not ours). Graduating students do NOT need a ticket to attend.
- Each student may get up to 10 tickets. Tickets must be picked up by 7:00 pm on Monday, April 21st. Starting at 7:00 am on Tuesday, April 22nd all remaining tickets will be released. At that time, students may get up to 10 additional tickets on a first-come, first-serve basis.
- When picking up your tickets, please indicate whether any of your guests need ADA accommodations.
- If are not able to pick up your tickets, please email the Office of Student Affairs to make arrangements.
- Tickets cannot be reprinted, so please don’t misplace them.
- The Convocation will be live-streamed and recorded for those who cannot attend in person (details forthcoming).
- Finally, you’ll be asked to provide an RSVP count for those attending the reception at the Law Building following Convocation. The reception will begin at approximately 11:30 am.
A ticket is required by each guest to enter Kingsbury Hall, including for children. Tickets will be disbursed to graduating students to give to their guests. Tickets are not required for graduating students.
Kingsbury Hall will open its doors around 9:00 AM. Seating is not assigned. All ticketed guests are encouraged to be seated by 9:25 AM. Those not seated by the start of the processional may have to wait until the processional ends to be seated.
Parking will be available in the indicated areas that are marked in red on this map: CLICK HERE.
Families/guests are encouraged to drop graduates off at Kingsbury Hall by 8:45 a.m. to prevent late arrivals for the processional line-up.
For a map of all accessible parking options on campus, visit the campus map and select the "Accessible" option from the map Features drop-down menu. Accessible parking near Kingsbury Hall is first come, first-served.
Shuttle and golf cart services will begin operation beginning at 8:30 a.m. at these locations:
Before Convocation Program (see map: CLICK HERE) -
- Shuttle services will be available at Lots 39 and 44.
- Golf cart services will be available outside S.J. Quinney College of Law and the Chemistry buildings. Due to the amount of golf carts that are available, walking is encouraged.
After Convocation Program to Reception (see map: CLICK HERE) -
- Shuttle services will be available outside of Kingsbury Hall to transport people to the S.J. Quinney College of Law building for the reception.
During/After Reception (see map: CLICK HERE) -
- Shuttle services will be available to Lots 39 and 44.
Allowed Items in Kingsbury Hall:
- Clear bags.
- Small personal items.
- Clutches will be allowed but must be no larger than 4”x6”x2”.
- Factory sealed water bottle.
- Blankets and ponchos
Prohibited Items in Kingsbury Hall:
- Alcohol
- Umbrellas
- Drones
- Fireworks
- Outside food or drinks
- Weapons
- Artificial noise makers
- Backpacks and purses
- Confetti
- Strollers
- Balloons
- Walkers and wheelchairs if they are not being used as a seats (there is limited space to store mobility devices at coat check in the main lobby).
Check-List for the Day of the Event
- Please ensure that you come wearing your cap and gown, with the tassel on the left side of the cap. We will have staff available to assist you in correctly putting on your hood.
- ARRIVE NO LATER THAN 8:45 AM and meet on the west side of Kingsbury Hall. Check-in at the table to pick up your reader card with your name on it.
- Line up behind the College of Law degree sign that matches your degree. Graduating students will not be lined up alphabetically. Instead, students are welcome to line up behind the people they are most familiar with.
Professional photographers have been authorized to photograph all graduates and will send a color proof to each graduate. Photos will be taken as the graduate is crossing the stage and a photo in front of a backdrop backstage. You are not obligated to purchase these photographs. Please note that guests may take photographs, but will not be allowed on the stage, in the aisles during the processional, or in the areas marked for graduate reseating during the Convocation ceremony.