College of Law


Established in 2012, the Stegner Center’s Law and Policy Program provides actionable and pragmatic research on emerging issues affecting public lands, agency decision making, indigenous peoples, resource management, and climate change. We aim to provide real time analysis that protects the environment and promotes a just and democratic society through wise and thoughtful policies.


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Joining ELI’s Summer School Series

Jun 17, 2024

According to Alice Cooper, “School’s out for summer.” But that refrain is a bit outdated. For the past few summers, the Environmental Law Institute has been hosting the Summer School Series for those who see the leisurely summer schedule as a chance to get ahead.

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H.J.R. 26 and Utah’s breach of fiduciary duty to the children of Utah

Apr 29, 2024

This post is an excerpt from a larger work-in-progress examining the history of the administration of Utah’s trust lands and the contexts in which that administration has been legitimately advanced and at other times impaired by non-trust considerations.

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A legal analysis of the Public Lands Rule

Apr 19, 2024

On April 18, 2024, the Bureau of Land Management finalized the Conservation and Landscape Health Rule, a long-awaited rule more commonly referred to as the Public Lands Rule. The purpose of this rule is to advance the BLM’s stewardship mission by focusing on the health and resilience of ecosystems across public lands managed for multiple use and sustained yield.

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Great Salt Lake legislative update: Feb. 27, 2024

Feb 27, 2024

In each week’s report, we will identify the most impactful bills (favorable or unfavorable) that could significantly affect Great Salt Lake.

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The Law & Policy Team

John Ruple
Director, Professor of Law (Research)
Jamie Pleune
Associate Professor of Law (Research)
Brigham Daniels
Program Director, The Great Salt Lake Project
Tom Mitchell
Senior Attorney, Law and Policy Program
Beth Parker
Senior Attorney, Law and Policy Program
Wesley Peebles
Wesley Peebles
Research Associate


""The ESRR Endowment Fund for the
Wallace Stegner Center
Wilburforce Foundation

The Law and Policy Program produces research under contract with various federal agencies, including the U.S. Forest Service, the U.S. Department of Energy, the U.S. Agency for International Development, and the U.S. State Department. We also depend on gifts and grants from generous supporters. The Stegner Center is solely responsible for the content of our research and the views expressed in our publications do not necessarily represent those of any governmental entity or funder. Donors exercise no substantive or editorial control over our research or recommendations.