Utah Law faculty updates: April 2024

May 13, 2024 | Faculty

Each month, we share notable updates—including presentations, publications, panels, and other accomplishments—from Utah Law faculty members.

Professor Jorge Contreras, a Hispanic man with short black hair and glassesProfessor Jorge Contreras

  • Publications
    • Jorge L. Contreras & Magnus Buggenhagen, Standards Essential Utility Models, JURIMETRICS 64(1), 1-40 (2023).
  • Presentations
    • “Rethinking the International Trade Commission’s Patent Jurisdiction,” The Role of Intellectual Property Remedies in the Global Innovation Economy, New York University School of Law, New York, NY (Apr. 2024).
    • “Implementing Technical Standards in Open Source Software – Challenges and Practicalities of Royalty-Free Standards,” Open Software in a Changing World: How to Sustain and Accelerate Business and Societal Impact While Addressing Current Challenges? University of Skövde, Skövde, Sweden (Apr. 2024).
    • ERC PatentsInHumans Workshop, Maynooth University, online (Apr. 2024).

A smiling womanAssociate Librarian Valeri Craigle

  • Publications
    •  Beyond Measure: Increasing the Scholarly Impact of Law Reviews Through Publishing Modernization and Data Stewardship, __ Law Library Journal __ (forthcoming 2024).
  • Presentations
    • “To Be Abominable and Detestable in Utah: A Legal History of LGBTQ Discrimination in the Beehive State,” NCPH/Utah Historical Society Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT (Apr. 2024).
  • Other activities
    • Appointed as board member of the Law Library Journal (2024 – 2027).

Robert Harrison, an older white man with white hair wearing a black blazer and blue- and green-striped tieAdjunct Associate Professor Robert Harrison

  • Presentations
    • “Legally Effective but Ethically Inadequate: Consent from Uninformed Surrogates in Clinical Research,” Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine Neiswanger Institute for Bioethics, Chicago, IL (Apr. 2024)


Dean Louisa Heiny, a white woman with short grey-brown hairAssociate Dean for Academic Affairs Louisa Heiny

  • Presentations
    • “Five Words That Changed America: Miranda v. Arizona and the Right to Remain Silent,” Utah Prosecution Council Annual Fall Convention, Salt Lake City, UT (Apr. 2024).


A smiling man with a beardAssociate Professor Jason Iuliano

  • Publications
    • Consumer (Mis)understanding of Dietary Supplement Labels, 12 TEXAS A&M LAW REVIEW __ (forthcoming 2025) with Madison Kilbride.

Associate Professor Jamie Pleune

Jamie Pleune, a white woman with blonde hair wearing a pink blouse and light-grey blazer

  • Publications
    • White Paper: A Legal Analysis of the BLM’s Public Lands Rule (2024) with Chris Winter and Wesley Peebles.
  • Presentations
    • “Commercial Development on Public Lands?” Sustainable Business Law Symposium, Pace Environmental Law Review, New York, NY (Apr. 2024).
    • “Leveraging the Environmental Review Process to Fill Gaps in the Mine Permitting Process,” for ministry officials of the Government of Fiji (Apr. 2024).