Achieving a mindset shift: Meet MLS student Raveena Ghag

Nov 02, 2023 | Belonging & Access

by Lindsay Wilcox

Raveena Ghag, an Indian woman with dark-brown wavy hair and brown eyes wearing a light pink blouseRaveena Ghag’s bachelor’s degree in communication gave her a foundation in writing and passion for creating social media content—and the Master’s in Legal Studies degree she’ll earn next year will put her one step closer to law school and a career as an attorney.

“I decided to pursue a master’s in legal studies to use as a stepping stone to help me further my career goals. I believe this master’s degree will aid me in my next step of my educational journey, a JD,” she says. “This degree will give me the background knowledge in the legal world that I did not already have before beginning this journey.”

While Raveena originally began the program as a way to prepare for law school, she says everyone can benefit from learning about law.

“I wish people knew that what we are learning in the MLS program is not just things you’d want to know if you’re wanting to work in the legal field. I was very surprised going through this course and relating it to my personal life, seeing the basic things that I should have known, and reaching out to my family and friends, realizing they also did not have the common knowledge they should,” Ghag recalls. “The MLS program is not just for someone who wants to be a lawyer but someone who wants to gain knowledge on how to further themselves in their already-established careers or just be more aware of the legal processes.”

The MLS program has been challenging, she notes, because a lot of reading, work and time is required. When Raveena was struggling with her mental health at the beginning of the school year, Utah Law faculty and staff were there to help.

“I began this program very shy, timid and thinking I was not good enough. With all of this, I also was struggling internally and I felt that it was a very shameful thing to be dealing with,” she says. “The faculty made it their goal to help me find the resources and tools and accommodate me as best as they could. I truly felt valued not only as a student but as an individual that my needs were being heard, and the faculty was so proactive to help make a positive and productive change for me.”

Though it took a lot of work for Raveena to achieve a more positive self-image, she says she feels more confident in herself every day as a result of the faculty and staff and what she is learning in classes.

“I am able to see how this program has created a shift in my mindset, the way I think about things, how I analyze. It is truly very rewarding noticing the small changes in myself that will only benefit me as an attorney one day,” she says. “I have never been a part of a program that takes the needs of their individuals so seriously and commits so much to making sure each person is comfortable to let their confidence shine. Everyone is committed to success, but the way that success is found is bigger than the success itself.”

Raveena is looking forward to practicing as an attorney after earning her MLS and JD, working with victims of domestic violence.

“I want to be the voice for the voiceless and help fight for basic human rights that everyone is entitled to. I want to help people out of situations and guide them to seeing their true self-worth and ultimately finding their own voice,” she says.

Learn more about the MLS program. You can also attend a webinar on Tuesday, Nov. 7, for more information.