Research Support:
Explore student research support services and resources below.
Have a quick question you need answered? Send us an email at! We are happy to show you how to search the library catalog, find materials, use a database, help with challenging Bluebook citations, and much more.
You are also welcome to call us at (801) 581-6184, book an appointment with a librarian here, or stop by one of the librarian offices on level 3, 4 or 5. We generally provide reference Monday-Friday from 9am-5pm.

Legal Research Classes & Support Services:
Knowing how to conduct legal research efficiently and effectively is an important skill to develop in order to practice law competently. This involves learning how to find, analyze, and evaluate information. You will use this skill throughout law school and your career.
In addition to teaching Basic Legal Research in the 1L year, library faculty regularly offer legal research electives. Courses include Advanced Legal Research, Administrative Law Legal Research, and International Legal Research. Library faculty integrate legal research skills across the curriculum by providing guest lectures in courses, working individually with students who are conducting legal research, providing drop-in sessions on legal research topics, supporting the externship program, and supporting extracurricular activities like law review and moot court.
Mini video courses on different research topics are in development, so stay tuned.
Contact the reference desk for an individual or small group consultation about your research project. Please indicate in your email that you are scheduling a consultation and include the following information: subject matter of the project and any specific research questions you need assistance with; what the project is for; and any research steps taken to date. We are happy to work with you to create a research plan, teach you about new resources, help you build searches, and evaluate sources. A librarian will be in touch to set up the consultation. When possible, requests will be responded to within two Business Days. Consultations are scheduled Monday-Friday between the hours of 8am and 5pm.
Are you interested in learning about a new database or other resource provided by the library? If so, email the reference desk. Please include the names and email addresses of the five (or more) students who are participating in the training and the name of the database/resource you are requesting training on. A librarian will be in touch to set up the training. When possible, requests will be responded to within two Business Days. Trainings are scheduled Monday-Friday between the hours of 8am and 5pm.
Interested in honing your Bluebook citation skills? Send your full name and UNID in an email to Noreen Farley ( to enroll in the new Canvas Bluebook Course.