College of Law

Home Library Government Documents and Federal Collections

Government Documents and Federal Collections

The law library is a congressionally designated selective depository for U.S. Government documents and receives materials in electronic format which are published by the federal government. Federal documents in print are not collected.

The electronic documents collection is designed to serve the needs of the greater community and public access is guaranteed by Title 44 of the United State Code.  No I.D.  is required to enter the building; however, non-University users must present I.D. if they wish to use a public computer terminal to access the electronic government documents and apply for a library card if they wish to check out materials, regardless of format.

The following is a list of the resources we offer online: Note: Many of these resources are freely available on govinfo, but with later coverage, beginning from the late 1980’s to the early 1990’s.

Congressional Resources

Federal Laws and Regulations

Federal Cases

Legislative Histories

News and Reports

The Faust Law Library is a Congressionally designated depository for U.S. Government Documents. Public access to the government documents collection is guaranteed by public law. (Title 44 United States Code)