College of Law



We are your strategic partner in the hiring process.  Like any law school career office, we host job fairs, post job postings, and arrange for on-campus interviews.  However, the CDO is here to assist beyond traditional career services offerings.  We can help you draft postings to attract the best talent possible, understand market trends, and sort through the applicant pool in a way that goes beyond simple measurements such as rank or GPA.  Our focus on individual student engagement allows us to actively identify and drive students to apply for positions, ensuring you receive the strongest possible pool of applicants.  We can help you develop strategies to attract and assess a wider pool of highly qualified applicants, increasing diversity and retention.  From big firms to solo practitioners, from urban to rural geographic locations, and throughout Utah and the nation, we are here to help you identify the best individual for your organization’s needs.  In short:

We are here to be your partner.



Join 12twenty
“What is 12twenty and why would I join it?” 12twenty is the system we use for posting jobs, setting up on-campus interviews, posting announcements and more. It is also the system students use to find and apply for jobs. Registering is easy, takes just a few minutes, and it is the first step in the hiring process. If you need help or the system seems a bit confusing, please don’t hesitate to reach out and allow us to help you get on the system today!
Sign Up
Participate in On-Campus Interviews
On-campus interviews (OCI) normally take place twice a year. Fall OCI commences just before classes begin and is exclusive to 2L and 3L students. Spring OCI normally takes place about a week after spring classes start, and if focused on 1L recruiting, though employers still seek 2L and 3L students at this time. The interviews can be conducted in-person at the school or can be held virtually. If you are interested in participating in our on-campus interview program, please contact and our OCI administrator will send you details. If you are looking to set up a posting for an OCI, click below and you will be taken to 12twenty, the system we use to arrange and schedule our OCI programs.
Sign Up
Post a Job
We use a system called 12twenty for posting jobs (and an array of other things like setting up on-campus interviews and posting announcements). Click here to jump to the 12twenty system, where you can sign in and post your job now. We will review the posting in short order and approve it so candidates can see it and apply immediately. If you do not have a 12twenty account, click here to set one up (it only takes a few minutes).
Post A Job
Draft an Effective Job Posting
We are always happy to assist you in drafting a job posting, but here are some great tips to consider:
  • Details - Students want to know about things like pay, hours, location and the kind of work they will be doing. Remember that many candidates have no exposure to legal work environments, so the more you can tell them the more they can envision joining you, and the more likely they are to apply.
  • Culture - Give a couple of sentences about your organizations culture. Letting them know how you see yourselves goes a long way toward helping a student choose between employers.
  • Practice Areas - Specifically listing your major practice areas, or those you are planning to grow, can be a huge asset. Remember that students have no idea that 90% of your practice is litigation, or that real estate is where you are looking to grow. This kind of information will help them self-select, giving you are stronger and more focused applicant pool.
  • Point of Contact - Identify a person as a point of contact so that they know who to make their cover letter out to and where to send it.
  • Short Deadlines Drive Applicants - We find that most students will apply just before the deadline. For this reason we think it makes sense to set a deadline no more than two weeks out in most cases. We can always reopen the posting if needed.
  • Rolling Deadlines - If you are accepting applications on a rolling basis, make sure to emphasize that you are reviewing and hiring as applications come in, and that a hire will be made as soon as the right person is identified. This will help a busy student prioritize getting their application submitted in a timely manner.
Hold a Virtual Interview
Most students are comfortable with video platforms like Zoom, WebX, or Bluejeans, and so you can arrange to interview them virtually on your preferred platform. If you do not have a video conferencing platform, we can help to arrange to use one of our licenses. Please let us know ahead of time, as we have a limited number of licenses available. If the interviewee is concerned about their access to reliable Internet or other issues, we can host them in the law school. Please feel free to contact us with any questions.
Contact us
Contact the CDO
We believe individual counseling is critical to our ability to support you as you navigate your career options and booking an appointment with any of us in CDO takes less than five minutes, so please click on the Calendly links by or names below and book a time to meet.
Promote & Target Your Search
Beyond a job posting, we can help you to promote and target your search. We send a weekly email to students with “Hot Jobs” and other announcements and we may be able to include your posting in that communication. We can augment your search by directly reaching out to students we think may be a great fit and drive them to apply. For additional support in targeting your search, please reach out to a member of our team.
Contact Us


“On reflection, I’m surprised to admit that what I remember most about law school is the students I studied with, struggled with, laughed with, and learned with.  There are many classroom moments, of course, and hallway discussions with professors, but it is my fellow students who made the biggest mark on me.  They were from everywhere and were of all shapes, sizes, colors, and backgrounds.  I remember the hours we spent studying torts, the rule against perpetuities, the law of offer and acceptance and contracts; the late nights editing law journal articles; and so forth.  We studied hard, but we helped each other learn.  For the last several decades I have employed the same approach to working with colleagues.  I work best in a group, when I can collaborate, share ideas, debate issues, and eventually come up with the right approach to a client problem.  I am convinced that I would not have approached the law that way during my career if I had not been exposed to that collaborative, explorative method while in law school.

The S.J. Quinney College of Law is the author of my life’s work.  I’ve had an amazing series of experiences, acquaintances, privileges, and resulting opportunities to make a positive impact in the lives of many people.  I would not have any of that without the College of Law.”

— Lowell Brown, Class of 1982
Brown is a health care operations lawyer, with nearly 40 years’ experience in the world of hospitals and medical providers. During that time he has helped his provider clients achieve success in a wide range of business, regulatory, and medico-legal matters.


You can also reach out to anyone on the CDO team by phone or email, or book a meeting through the Calendly Meeting Scheduler links below.

Arturo Thompson
Arturo Thompson
Assistant Dean, Career Development Office
Jaclyn Howell
Jaclyn Howell
Director, Career Development Office
Jim Holbrook
Jim Holbrook
Director of Special Projects
Amanda Barr
Amanda Barr
Career Counselor
Cynthia Lane
Cynthia Lane
Administrative Assistant