ULaw Student Organization Funding
RSO Funding Overview
Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) in good standing with Student Leadership & Involvement (SLI) and S.J. Quinney College of Law’s Office of Students Affairs have the opportunity to request funding from the Associated Students of the University of Utah (ASUU) and S.J. Quinney College of Law’s Office of Student Affairs to help pay for items associated with RSO events and initiatives.
Funding is based on this student organization status:
- Not part of the University but recognized by the university.
- No financial accounts through the University.
- MUST establish a UFirst Credit Union bank account if accepting membership fees.
- Cannot make tax-exempt purchases unless the organization applies for tax-exempt status through the IRS.
- Can receive donations BUT cannot accept donations on behalf of the University. Individuals who choose to donate will not receive any type of donation receipt under university tax ID #.
- Access to ASUU funding.
- Access to reimbursement fund from the S.J. Quinney College of Law’s Office of Student Affairs.
The Student Bar Association (SBA) stands as the exclusive Sponsored Organization of the S.J. Quinney College of Law, operating under the guidance of the University.
- A part of the University
- Access to funding from University revenues and/or student fees through the sponsoring department.
- Use of a University fiscal account with all its privileges and supervising accounting staff support that are capable of providing full financial documentation disclosure upon request.
- Use of the University’s tax identification number in accordance with University policy.
- The ability to accept donations from external sources that are eligible for gift receipts from the University as outlined by University of Utah Office of Development.
- Review of contracts by the sponsoring University department with input from the Offices of General Counsel and Risk & Insurance Management when appropriate.
Registered Organization Bank Accounts
Some Registered Organizations may have bank accounts with the UFirst University of Utah Campus Store branch from previous years. If you are unsure whether your group has an account or would like more information, please reach out to the Associate Director of Student Advising & Activities.
If you have any questions regarding your account, please contact the UFirst University of Utah Campus Store branch.
Student organizations may apply for an EIN by filing Form SS-4 available on the IRS website: Form SS-4 (Rev. December 2019) (irs.gov)
For more information about any of these methods, visit the IRS website: Instructions for Form SS-4 (Rev. December 2019) (irs.gov).
Your organization may apply for 501(c)(3) tax exemption through the IRS. For more information on how to apply for tax-exempt status, visit the IRS application for recognition of exemption webpage. Student Leadership & Involvement strongly encourages student organizations wishing to file as a 501(c)(3) to fully research the steps and requirements associated with process. As a reminder, the Department of Student Leadership & Involvement cannot provide tax advice. If your organization wishes to seek status as a 501(c)(3) organization, we encourage you to discuss your organization's situation with a tax advisor.
Although your organization is recognized by the University of Utah or your organization may be in the “affiliated” classification, your organization must not use the university’s information as your own when completing non-profit applications. For example, affiliated and registered organizations are NOT allowed to use the university’s tax ID.
Under University Rule 6-401A, RSOs must always remain student-led. RSOs who apply for tax-exempt status must develop a procedure to transfer ownership of the organization to current student leaders each year. Advisors, coaches, and previous members who are not currently enrolled students should not make decisions on behalf of or claim to represent the organization without the consent of the current student leaders.
Separation of Duties
- Consider having two officers handle all key financial duties, including signing all checks
- Consider having two people count money at the beginning and end of every event
- Prepare a budget at the beginning of the term
- Set realistic targets; budgeted income should equal or exceed expenses
- Use document assumptions to determine budgeted income and expenses
- Use format consistent with financial reporting format
- Obtain final budget approval from organization leaders and board members
Financial Reporting
- List income and expenses by major category
- Use format consistent with budget format
- Compare current year actual results to budget and prior year’s actual results
- Prepare financial reports throughout the semester and share with organization leaders and board members
Cash Receipts
- Restrictively endorse checks “for deposit only, organization name” upon receipt
- Secure checks and cash in a locked area prior to deposit
- Make frequent deposits
- Maintain cash receipts log and record receipts in the checkbook
- Reconcile cash receipts log to bank statement each month
Paying Bills
- Establish a process to review and pay bills by check, and don’t pay with cash
- Review vendor invoices and receipts prior to payment
- Ensure that two officers sign all checks
- Maintain copies of vendor invoices and receipts after payment
- Record checks in the checkbook on a timely basis
- Reconcile all checks written to bank statement each month
Bank Reconciliation
- Reconcile bank balance to checkbook balance each month
- Document all reconciling items
- Resolve any errors
- Obtain officer and board approval for the reconciliation.
- If using a P-Card (only for sponsored organizations), have all authorized users completed the necessary training provided by supply chain/procurement
Officer Transitions
- Transfer account access to new leadership when appropriate
- Student Leadership & Involvement does not have permission to give students access to RSO bank accounts, so it is important RSOs give new student leaders access
Funding Requests
ASUU Funding
It's important to note that ASUU has its own distinct funding process for active RSOs. Therefore, funding provided by the Office of Student Affairs is supplementary to ASUU's funding.
ASUU’s Funding Page
S.J. Quinney College of Law’s Office of Student Affairs Funding
Please be aware that the Office of Student Affairs its own funding process for active Registered Organizations. Therefore, it's important to note that ASUU funding is supplementary to the funding provided by the Office of Student Affairs.
Guidelines for Office of Student Affairs Funding:
- Registered Organizations in good standing with the Office of Student Leadership & Involvement and College of Law Office of Student Affairs may have access. RSOs found to be in violation of University policy may forfeit their eligibility for reimbursement.
- You MUST submit the ULaw Student Organization Funding Request Form and wait for approval before making any purchases.
- This funding is available through reimbursement ONLY. Registered Organizations need to make purchases up front.
- All purchases made with allocated funds must serve a student organization purpose, and original receipts must be retained for submission.
- The Office of Student Affairs funding cannot be used for the following items:
- Tuition and scholarships
- Alcoholic beverages
- Drugs
- Weapons
- Entertainment expenses at conferences
- Graduation gifts
- Cash awards or gift cards
ULaw Student Organization Funding Request Form