College of Law


What can career strategizing do for you?

The Master of Legal Studies has partnered with U Career Success to offer personalized career strategizing tailored to your busy schedule!

Career Strategist Dominic Militello is available for one-to-one coaching sessions. Whether you’re seeking a wider range of career opportunities or want to leverage your newly acquired expertise within your current organization, Dominic’s ready to help you build your brand and represent your credentials and experience with confidence. He also offers expert guidance through salary negotiation processes and excels at helping you build career connections with organizations from many industries and sectors, as well as in legal services—both in Utah and beyond. An MLS boosts your career power. Let Dominic’s expert career coaching help you maximize the possibilities!

Dominic will meet with students by appointment in the level 3 Career Development Office Suite of the S.J. Quinney College of Law building (or remotely as needed). Additionally, drop-in hours are available every other Friday and Saturday (details listed below). Stop in and say hi!

Drop-in hours

Fall semester
12:45-1:45 p.m.
Room 3315

• Oct. 4
• Nov. 8, 22
• Dec. 6, 13

Spring semester
12-1 p.m.
Room 3315

• Jan. 10, 17, 24, 31
• Feb. 7, 14, 21, 28
• March 7, 14, 21, 28
• April 4, 11, 18, 25

Career strategists can help you:

Explore career options
Write strong resumes and cover letters
Build your network
Negotiate your salary


Dominic Militello
Dominic Militello
MLS Career Strategist

Additional resources

Video studio

Use one of our sound-controlled rooms for a video interview or video resume.
Book now

Professional headshots

Get a free professional photo for LinkedIn or other profiles.
Schedule now

Career Closet

Borrow complimentary professional clothes for an interview, career fair, or meeting.
Learn more