College of Law

What Madame C (Coronavirus) is teaching me

When I was first asked to share my lessons learned from Madame C (the coronavirus), I was a little nonplussed about what to say. My biggest (and most embarrassing) lesson learned was that That doesn’t really relate to collaboration, or perhaps it does. There are certain collaborators (broom, vacuum, toilet wand) I don’t really like to work with. And, if I clean while listening to podcasts (i.e., change the process), I don’t mind the task and actually do a good job.

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FACULTY: Craig files amicus brief in case challenging Obama designation of the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument

Professor Robin Craig and a team of pro bono attorneys at Fried Frank have filed an amicus brief in Massachusetts Lobstermen’s Association v. Ross, the lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia that is challenging former President Barack Obama’s designation of the Northeast Canyons & Seamounts Marine National Monument 130 miles off the Atlantic coast in 2016.

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RMMLF awards Keiter grant for federal-state land exchange research

On July 2, Professor Robert Keiter was awarded a $5,000 grant from the Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation. The grant will support research regarding the legal requirements applicable to federal-state land exchanges, identifying the existing barriers to exchanges, and setting the stage for a comprehensive analysis of the legal reforms needed to facilitate large federal-state exchanges.

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Tribune quotes Craig on public trust doctrine

In a Salt Lake Tribune article, Craig explains that the public trust doctrine is a long-established concept that maintains certain natural resources, including lakes, shorelines, and riverbeds remain public domain because of the important role they play in commerce.

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